Kickoff Schedule

On September 1st, we will hold a kick-off meeting to discuss advances in reasoning in information spaces.

Tentative Schedule

This tentative schedule may be updated closer to the date.

This workshop exists to make progress on compression of information spaces, and reasoning within those compressed spaces.

9:00 a.m. Breakfast

9:30 a.m. Introductions, definitions and science of information spaces Drew Bagnell and Steven Lavalle, CMU and UIUC

10:00    Program Intro, Behzad Kamgar-Parsi

10:15 a.m.        Distributed Combinatorial Filters, Steven M. Lavalle, University of Illinois

10:45 a.m.        Hierarchical Graphical Models for State Estimation, Dieter Fox, University of Washington

11:15 p.m. Learning Compressed Information Spaces from Execution Traces, Geoff Gordon, Carnegie Mellon University

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Market-based Approaches to Decentralized Reasoning in Distributed Information Spaces, Tony Stentz, CMU

1:00 a.m.    Grounding I-Space Symbols in High Dimensional Signals — Video, Language, and Contextual Reasoning-StoryLine Model for Video Understanding,      Jianbo Shi, UPENN

1:30 Belief Roadmaps and High Dimensional Belief Space Search, Nicholas Roy, MIT

2:00-3:30             Group Discussion— what are the next steps

3:30 pm Beyond Assumptive Planning:  Planning with Preferences on Missing Information, Max Likhachev, UPENN

3:30 pm Beyond Assumptive Planning:  Planning with Preferences on Missing Information, Max Likhachev, UPENN

4:00 p.m.4:30 p.m.   Causal Information Theory and Statistical Models, Drew Bagnell, CMU

Dinner and after dinner Conversation here: (in honor of Dieter).